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Conversion Rate Optimisation

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is the systematic process of increasing the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action — be that filling out a form, becoming customers, or otherwise. The CRO process involves understanding how users move through your site, what actions they take, and what’s stopping them from completing your goals. Make more Return On Investment NOW!

Find out what is working and what is not, change the things that are failing you and let Marketing Station give a complete audit on all your digital presence and look at how to increase sales, leads or trials through the channels that will work for you.

What is a Conversion for your business?

To find out the conversion rate for your site, you’ll look at all unique orders or demos/trials divided the total number of sessions.

5 Ways CRO benefits SEO

While not necessarily directly related to attracting organic website traffic or ranking on a Search Engine Results Page (SERP), Conversion Rate Optimisation has distinct benefits for SEO. Those include:


Improved customer insights. Conversion rate optimisation can help you better understand your key audience and find what language or messaging best speaks to their needs. Conversion rate optimisation looks at finding the right customers for your business. Acquiring more people doesn't do your business any good if they're not the right kind of people!

Better ROI: Higher conversion rate means making more of the resources you have. By studying how to get the most out of your acquisition efforts, you'll get more conversions without having to bring in more potential customers.



Better scalability: While your audience size may not scale as your business grows, CRO lets you grow without running out of resources and prospective customers. Audiences are not infinite. By turning more browsers into buyers, you'll be able to grow your business without running out of potential customers.

Better user experience: When users feel smart and sophisticated on your website, they tend to stick around. CRO studies what works on your site. By taking what works and expanding on it, you'll make a better user experience. Users who feel empowered by your site will engage with it more and some may even become evangelists for your brand.



Enhanced trust: In order for a user to share their credit card, email, or any sort of personal information, they have to genuinely trust the site. Your website is your number-one salesperson. Just like an internal sales team, your site needs to be professional, courteous, and ready to answer all of your customer’s questions.

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